Imagine a society where:
- Relationships are elevated above our desire to be “right” and get our way.
- Conversations conclude with people feeling respected and heard.
- People are known to be talked with rather than talked at.
- Kindness, compassion, and empathy are extended.
- Truth is spoken humbly, gently, yet boldly in love.
What could happen:
- Gossip, quarreling, and argumentative monologues are replaced with God-honoring conversations.
- Social media is no longer marked by unfiltered and unkind opinions expressed in anger.
- People deepen relationships with one another as we become other-minded listeners.
- Intact relationships would be protected.
- Broken relationships would be restored.
- There would be a greater number of healthy marriages.
- Unity would be more prevalent than division.
- People would experience greater peace.
All the above can become reality when Christlike dialogue is put into practice. For this to happen, we must first come to know Jesus for who he truly is and how much he loves us. Once we know him well enough to trust him, we can choose to become more like Him and less like the culture we live in.
People need hope. Those of us who call ourselves followers of Christ must first think, act, and speak more like Jesus. We must share Christ with others so their lives can also be transformed.
This article can be found on our website, Christlike Dialogue. Two additional articles that may be of interest: The Biblical Jesus Offers Hope and Who is Jesus? How to Have Eternal Life.