JEFF ROSENAU is founder and president of the ministry, Christlike Dialogue. He is the author of Christlike Dialogue and When Christians Act Like Christians. Jeff has over 30 years’ experience teaching biblical principles that equip people to engage in conversations that are honoring to God.
Prior to taking this journey, Jeff was a political activist with a bend towards fighting about the issues. But God showed him the need for dialogue, and the need to focus more on the relationship than the issue. In the process, Jeff came to understand that conflict offers opportunities to persevere in love for people, despite differences, without compromising truth. With those new insights, Jeff began to prepare others to intentionally initiate dialogue with people of opposing views and engage in honest conversation that is honoring God. To hear more of his story, go to https://christlikedialogue.org/how-to-disagree-respectfully/
CANDY ROSENAU joined Jeff at Christlike Dialogue in 2014, following a career in education. She is passionate about people engaging in meaningful conversation. She is blessed to practice her gift of hospitality, along with her teaching, counseling, and mediation skills, as Event & Hospitality Coordinator for Christlike Dialogue.
Jeff and Candy live in Centennial, Colorado where they enjoy time with their family and friends.
Do you find yourself presently engaged in a challenging relationship? Do you fear conversations with people who think differently than you do? If so, the ministry of Christlike Dialogue offers peacekeeping amid these challenging conversations.
This is accomplished by the following process:
Jeff will meet (virtually) with the parties who have differing views. He will go over our Guidelines for Dialogue and point out key differences between debate and Christlike dialogue.
During each conversation to discuss differences, Jeff will hold all participants accountable to adhering to those guidelines, and if someone begins to debate or quarrel, he will politely interrupt and remind everyone that they are there to engage in Christlike dialogue, not debate or argumentative monologues.
What is the cost of this service?
Cost is $75/hour and includes:
• Review of Guidelines for Dialogue with all participants.
• Identifying of key differences between Debate and Christlike Dialogue.
• Serving as peacekeeper of the conversations between people with differing views.
One-to-one coaching is available for individuals who seek to prepare themselves for challenging conversations or simply desire to improve their communication skills for all conversations.
Do you shrink back or look forward to talking with someone who sees things differently than you do? Are you having difficulty communicating with your teens or spouse, anxious to share your faith with a neighbor, or wondering how to improve employee/employer relationships? Christian, do you desire to represent Jesus well and draw others to Christ, rather than push them away?
If you could use some coaching on how to engage in conversation that is honoring to God, we would love to help. Just schedule a time and Let’s Talk!
Is this training just for Christians? No. We prepare people of any faith to engage in conversations that honor God. We refer to it as Christlike dialogue as we share biblical principles modeled by Jesus.
What is the cost of this service?
No charge for initial 30 minute conversation.
After that, sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes.
Our fee is $75/hour.
Meetings can take place by phone or by Zoom.
Christlike Conversation
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable
in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. – Psalm 19:14
Learning to represent Jesus well when responding to people with differing views.
Jeff Rosenau is the teacher of this group. He is the author of Christlike Dialogue: Engaging in Conversations that Honor God and founder of the ministry, Christlike Dialogue. For over 30 years, Jeff has been sharing biblical principles to equip people to engage in such conversations. We hope you will join us as part of this interactive group!
Online teaching 6:20pm – 7:00pm on four consecutive Monday nights:
October 28th
Session 1: Conflict Offers Opportunity to Mature in Christ
November 4th
Session 2: Becoming an Other-Minded Listener
November 11th
Session 3: The Meek Surrender, But Never Lose
November 18th
Session 4: Persevere in Love, Despite Differences (without compromising truth)
How do I participate? Register here. Select October 28th on the calendar. On the next pop up, reserve your spot.
How will I access the sessions? Once you have reserved your spot, you will receive an email with the zoom link for the sessions.
Is there a cost? $40/per person covers all four sessions.
Payment is due after participating in Session 1.
After Session 1, you can pay here:
Why participate?
• “This is an excellent study of how we are to reflect our Lord in our words with others.”
• “This teaching has enabled me to change from a ‘Dictator’ to a father motivated by love for my children.”
• “It is truly encouraging to me to see believers striving to interact with others biblically, and to see the way of Christ does bear fruit. As a young person, witnessing this encourages me to continue running the race.”
• “I’ve never been as challenged in such a way in such a short period of time.”