Dialogue Groups

Dialogue Groups

A Christlike dialogue is an honest conversation guided by the Holy Spirit that includes:

  •  Other-minded listening (Philippians 2:3-4; James 1:19-20)
  • Seeking and speaking the truth in love (John 14:6, 8:32; Ephesians 4:15)
  • Focusing on Christ’s interests (1 Timothy 1:15; Ephesians 4:13)
  • Trusting God with the outcome (1 Peter 2:23; 2 Timothy 2:24-26)

Groups of Eight

One of the goals of our ministry is to encourage and help equip people to engage in Christlike dialogue via Dialogue Groups. Our desire is to multiply what we refer to as Groups of Eight people who come together to talk about topics that most people don’t want to talk about such as race, religion, and politics.


* Groups do not have to be eight only. This exercise works best with two equal number of groups with differing views.

What is a Group of Eight

Eight people who want to engage in honest conversation about their different views on a topic, issue, or other area of concern. (i.e.: race, religion, political/social concerns, generational differences…).

What a Group of Eight is not

It is not for people who want to debate, who need to be “right” and demand others to see things exactly as they do.


The two people who start the group will arrange a meeting place, facilitate discussions, and communicate with the group.

How to begin

Two friends agree to start a Group of Eight to discuss different perspectives on a particular issue or topic of concern. Each invites three friends who have interest in the same issue or topic, to form the Group of Eight.

Time Commitment

The group commits to meet once a month for at least one year. Each group determines time and location at which their group will meet. Plan on a couple of hours per meeting.

Christlike Dialogue Training

Group members are to receive training for Christlike Dialogue and Group of Eight orientation at their initial meeting.


What people have shared
about Christlike Dialogue


“Our Group of Eight has allowed me to open up to other men and talk about issues regarding racism, discrimination,
and issues that I have faced in my life and how these situations have affected me even today.”

“This teaching has enabled me to change from being a “Dictator”, to a father motivated by love for my children.”


“Christlike Dialogue is key to maturity in Christ and building relationships with other Christians and non-Christians alike.”

“It is truly encouraging to me to see believers striving to interact with others biblically. As a young person, witnessing this encourages me to continue running the race.”


“Being a part of the Group of Eight has given me new friends with different perspectives from mine. That has given me new insights to help me understand some of the cultural issues that we face. It is in understanding that we can make progress in uniting a divided culture.”

“My involvement in a Group of Eight has been one of the highlights of my forty-year journey with the Lord! I would highly recommend this experience to those who seek to be a part of healing our nation!”