







What a tremendous need there is in today’s world for civil discourse. Conflict, a lack of civility, the absence of mutual respect, seem to be the norm in this #cancel culture and #age of outrage.

Do you find yourself presently engaged in one of these challenging relationships? Do you yearn for understanding and peaceful outcomes? Do you fear conversations with people who think differently than you do? Christlike Dialogue moderators become the peacekeepers in these challenging conversations. Each situation is different, but this is accomplished generally by the following process:

At the first meeting, the moderator will meet with the parties who have differing views (virtually or in person if possible). The moderator will go over the Guidelines for Dialogue and point out some key differences between debate and dialogue.

During each conversation to discuss differences, the moderator will hold all participants accountable to adhering to those guidelines, and if someone begins to debate rather than dialogue, the moderator politely interrupts and reminds everyone that they are there to engage in dialogue, not debate.

Cost: No charge for initial half hour consultation. Thereafter, fee is $60/hour for:

• Reviewing Guidelines for Dialogue with all participants.
• Identifying key differences between Debate and Dialogue.
• Serving as moderator of the conversations between the people with differing views.


One to one coaching is available for individuals who seek to prepare themselves for challenging conversations or simply desire to improve their communication skills for all conversations.

Do you shrink back or look forward to talking with someone who sees things differently than you do? Are you having difficulty communicating with your teens or spouse, anxious to share your faith with a neighbor or wondering how to improve employee/employer relationships? Christian, do you desire to represent Jesus well and draw others to Christ, rather than push them away?

A Christlike dialogue coach will meet with you (virtually or in person if possible) for an initial 30 minute consultation to determine if our resources would be of benefit to you. If the coach and client determine that training in Christlike dialogue would be a benefit then a meeting is scheduled during which the coach will interview you to assess your needs and help you establish your goals for the coaching process. This might take 60 to 90 minutes. After this, using examples of dialogues from scripture, biblical principles, practical tips, our Guidelines for Dialogue, and key differences between debate and Christlike dialogue, the coach helps you prepare to engage in civil, life-changing conversations that are honoring to God. Sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes.

Frequently asked questions:

Is this training just for Christians? No. We prepare people of any faith to engage in conversations that are honoring to God. We refer to it as Christlike dialogue as our coaching is based on biblical principles that are effective and beneficial in any situation when put into practice.

What is the cost of your services?
No charge for initial 30 minute consultation
$75 for 60-90 minute meeting to assess your needs and establish goals for the coaching process.
For additional sessions, cost is $60/hour.


Disagreements are part of life. Whether it’s a family struggle, controversial political or social concern, differing views on race or religious beliefs, controversy occurs in the home, church, community, and workplace. How can we respond in ways that glorify God?

The following are some of the titles we have used in making presentations:

Christlike Dialogue: Engaging in Conversations that Honor God
What is Christlike Dialogue?
The Need for Christlike Dialogue
Healing America, One Conversation at a Time
Are We Representing Jesus Well?
Conflict Offers Opportunity
Jesus Didn’t Die for Us to Remain the Same
How to Speak the Truth in Love
Persevere in Love, Without Compromising Truth
Don’t Be Deceived, It’s a Spiritual Battle
Learning to Think Spiritually
Christlike Dialogue is Not Natural
The Meek Surrender, But Never Lose
Becoming an Other-Minded Listener
The Need for Grace and Truth
Differences Between Debate and Christlike Dialogue

Cost: Varies depending upon size of audience and length of time sharing.

If you are interested in Jeff or Candy speaking (virtually or in person if possible) at a men or women’s Bible study, retreat, with your congregation, parachurch ministry, business, other organization, or small group, please contact us. We encourage the host to let us know how we can best serve you as far as titles listed above and length of time to speak.