4 Key Reminders for 2024 Election

4 Key Reminders for 2024 Election

It’s a spiritual battle between good and evil. The real enemy is not a Republican or a Democrat. …For our struggle is not against flesh and blood… Ephesians 6:12 Don’t be deceived. Satan tries to deceive people into believing these two lies: That issues are more...
Tips For Talking with Your Teenager

Tips For Talking with Your Teenager

Make it a priority! Schedule a meeting with your teen that allows plenty of time for your teen to talk openly about any struggles or questions they have regarding life in this culture. Give your undivided attention. Meet at a time when you and your teen are not too...
5 Ways to Becoming a Better Listener

5 Ways to Becoming a Better Listener

Being a good listener can improve the relationships you have with your family, friends, and co-workers. When you try to genuinely listen, people will realize you care about them; however, because we communicate mostly electronically now it can be difficult to meet...
How to Have Difficult Conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Wouldn’t you love it if every conversation you had with people was lighthearted and joyful? Unfortunately, there are going to be times in life where you’ve got to be serious and have conversations that are challenging to have. With that being said, we...